You might be wondering what in the world does worship have to do with wellness, and I guess the best answer to that is EVERYTHING! Worship, contrary to what some people believe, is not just singing and congregational music. Worship is an everyday way of life, displayed in every decision we make, what we do, what we say, and even how we take care of ourselves.
I hope it comes as no surprise to you that God is concerned about you, ALL of you. Your very hairs are numbered (Matt 10:30; Luke 12:7) and your name is written in the palm of His hand (Isa 49:16). He wants the best for you, after all He sent His son to save you and me! The very least that we can do in response to such an outpouring of love is to live a life that honors Him.
So back to wellness, if we are living a lifestyle that honors God, we not only take care of our spiritual self but our physical, mental and emotional self as well. Jesus said to love the Lord with all your heart (emotional), soul (spiritual), mind (mental), and strength (body) (Mark 12:30). We need to be well in all of these areas to give God all that He deserves from us. Can I get an Amen? Paul said to offer your body as a holy living sacrifice, pleasing to God, as this is truly the way to worship Him (Romans 12:1). I hope this gives you a better idea of why taking better care of yourself is not only good for you, but necessary to worship God in the way that He deserves. I would love for you to join me on this journey as we discover what God’s word has to say about how to live a life of worship, and how to apply those principles to every aspect of our lives so that we can be our at our best for Him.